Wednesday, September 21, 2011

!!!!202!!!!! Aujourd'hui, le Bronx se prende en main et le Village des Rapides appartient a ses residents!!

Le chiffre magique est obtenu / We exceeded the magic number for the referendum

Tonight at the Hotel de Ville, the unofficial count of local residents who signed the register to force a referendum on the project known as Les Habitations du Vieux Moulin on the old Allion school site, was at least 202.

THANK YOU TO EVERYONE who worked so tirelessly for so long to achieve this outcome.  It is not over yet - we may need to find even more energy to win a referendum in December, 2011.

Mayor Barbe and her council will be officially informed of the outcome at the next council meeting, and they will announce whether they plan to move forward with the referendum...

Thank you Sylvie for sitting outside the Hotel de Ville ALL day today, and for keeping an eye on everything and everyone!  This result is in large part due to your perseverance and determination. 

Merci beaucoup a tous. 


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